My love for languages and global interests stems from having ancestral roots in Iran. Having visited several times, I have grown to appreciate the common ground I share with my peers, as well as further understand the differences. Proficient in both Persian and Spanish, and currently learning French and Russian, I am fascinated by the unspoken language of nuances that create another layer to understanding a culture or community of people.

My father emigrated to the US when he was 14, while my mother emigrated at the age of two. Although they were both born in Iran, the age at which they came to the US created a vastly different experience of assimilation. Although my father learned English in Iran, and was quite proficient, he shares anecdotes of when he started high school in Arlington, VA and how much he didn’t know— from idioms, mannerisms and etiquette. He had to learn quickly in order to relate and feel comfortable amongst his peers. My mother, on the other hand, learned English as her native language. With that, she still had adjustments to make in order to conform. Their experiences prompted me to think about how it can be helpful to teach the nuances of a culture, and not just the formal eduction of language and history. And so, this platform is a learning tool for the following:

  • To provide tools for those who live outside the US on the nuances of the English language and American culture

  • To share stories and insight into a day in the life of an American— whether one was born and raised in the US, or one has emigrated to the US

Regardless of background, economic status or country of origin, we each have a story worth sharing. The more we learn about our similarities and differences, the more inclusive we can be at global and local scale.

Thank you for visiting!

Cyrus B

What’s your story?

Would love to hear!